About Us

Exclusively serving governmental entities statewide and beyond since 1984.

About Crawford & Associates

Crawford & Associates is a 29-person firm headquartered in Oklahoma City. Specializing in consulting and accounting services, we work exclusively with governmental entities and have earned a first-rate international, national and statewide reputation in governmental accounting and consulting. We offer a variety of services and are experts in financial statement preparation, fraud investigations, internal control analysis, accounting policy and procedure development, internal audit type monitoring, staff training and expert witness testimony in litigation and labor arbitration matters. We are leaders in governmental accounting and auditing, including chairing state and national committees and councils on behalf of OSCPA, AICPA and GASB.  


Mike Crawford

Founder and Retired Chairman

Frank Crawford

President, CPA

Culture at Crawford & Associates

Our team of professionals are a work family who genuinely care for one another.

Crawford & Associates believes there is more to life than just work. We strive to set a relaxed structural work environment while still providing the highest level of quality professional services to our clients on a timely basis.

We believe in adhering to the utmost ethical standards when conducting our work. Crawford & Associates will walk away from any engagement that would compromise our objectivity and independence.

We pride ourselves on having a group of professionals that truly enjoy the work and environment at Crawford & Associates. We enjoy several hobbies and activities as a firm. This includes the office doubling as a classic rock memorabilia museum, Oklahoma City Thunder season tickets, and every few years, a weeklong, firm-wide cruise vacation.

Peer Review

Crawford & Associates is proud of its involvement with and membership in the AICPA Government Audit Quality Center and Peer Review Program. As part of this membership, the firm undergoes a comprehensive quality control review by an independent CPA firm every three years. Our most recent peer review resulted in a Pass rating. Click below to view a copy of our most recently accepted peer review report.

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